ari_utils library Null safety

Main library that contains all the functionality, import this.


Class to hold index and value of a list specifically with enumerateList.
Logic operators for booleans
Zip<I1, I2>
Zip is a list class with added functionality that pairs two equal matching iterables and combines the elements of the two iterables into a compound ZipItem that contains both of those elements. The added functionality is related to things therein such as: swap all elements, go from zip to map, check if an element is contained within any of the pairs, etc Like zip() in python
ZipItem<I1, I2>
Class for a pair belonging to a zip with some functionality including: swapping, ==, to & From type constructors, [] operations.




combineListValuesToMap<E, T1, T2>(List<E> list, T1 keyizer(E elemToKey), T2 valueizer(E elemToValue), T2 combinator(T2 existingSameKeyValue, T2 newSameKeyValue)) Map<T1, T2>
List: List to combine elements of Keyizer: Function to get key from an element of the list.
enumerateList<T>(List<T> list) Iterable<EnumListItem<T>>
Like python enumerate but with EnumListItem to iterate over a list with its index and value in a comfortable way.
flatten<T>(Iterable iterable) Iterable<T>
Flattens an infinitely nested list
range(int stop, {int? start, int? step}) Iterable<int>
Similar to python range function iterates from start up to yet not including stop, incrementing by every step. Ex: for (int i in range(5, start: 1, step: 2) {print(i);}
reverse<T>(List<T> x) List<T>
Returns a reversed shallow copy of input list
roundDecimal(double number, int decimalPlaces) double
Rounds a num to double whereby the decimalPlaces represents the power of 10 you want to round to such that:
toBool(dynamic val) bool
Converts any val to boolean int != 0 null => false bool => val tries: val.isNotEmpty if has no getter isNotEmpty => true


BoolFunctionMap = bool Function(MapEntry)