combineListValuesToMap<E, T1, T2> function Null safety

Map<T1, T2> combineListValuesToMap<E, T1, T2>(
  1. List<E> list,
  2. T1 keyizer(
    1. E elemToKey
  3. T2 valueizer(
    1. E elemToValue
  4. T2 combinator(
    1. T2 existingSameKeyValue,
    2. T2 newSameKeyValue

List: List to combine elements of Keyizer: Function to get key from an element of the list.

Valueizer: Function to get map's value from an element of a list relative its key from keyizer.

Combinator: Function to combine derived values of two list elements whose keyizer function returned the same key.

Example use case

class Wallet{
  owner string;
  value int;
  Wallet(this.owner, this.string)

List<Wallet> wallets = [
  Wallet('A', 1),
  Wallet('A', 1),
  Wallet('A', 1),
  Wallet('B', 1),
  Wallet('B', 1),
  Wallet('B', 1)

// Generics wont show in code example but are (in order): Wallet, String, int

combineListValuesToMap<Wallet, String, int>(
  (Wallet elemToKey) => elemToKey.owner,
  (Wallet elemToValue) => elemToValue.value,
  (int existingSameKeyValue, int newSameKeyValue) => existingSameKeyValue + newSameKeyValue
// The above Returns {'A': 3, 'B': 3}


Map<T1, T2> combineListValuesToMap<E, T1, T2>
    (List<E> list,
    T1 Function(E elemToKey) keyizer,
    T2 Function(E elemToValue) valueizer,
    T2 Function(T2 existingSameKeyValue, T2 newSameKeyValue) combinator){
  Map<T1, T2> result = {};
  for (E entry in list){
    T1 key = keyizer(entry);
    T2 value = valueizer(entry);
    if (result[key] == null){
      result[key] = value;
      result[key] = combinator(result[key] as T2, value);
  return result;